Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nate invited a girl to be baptized....and she accepted!

Nate's first baptism with his new companion Elder Goff

This is the pension's son that eats meals with them each day.

But oh man, this week went by sooo fast! this has been one of the best weeks i have had so far, even though the first half of the week i was battling a stomach infection from a bad peruvian hamburger, but Hermana Williams gave me some pills that helped so much. Then on tuesday we were in a lesson with a recent convert, and his sister who is not a member, and i got to teach most of that lesson which was awesome, then at the end i invited her to baptism...and she accepted! oh the spirit was so strong, and so now we have 3 baptisms in october! 

And on thursday i went on an interchange with a latino for a day, and my head hurt so bad after from trying to understand spanish for 24 hours. Then we were in a lesson and the mom started to breast feed, it was the most awkward moment of my life, i felt like that moment in grown ups. but i just have to remember thats their culture. 

we had a lesson with another recent convert, and modern music from america was playing so that was kinda fun to hear those songs again. the baptism on saturday was AMAZING! there was not a dry eye in the room cause the spirit was so strong, and after the baptism they brought out cake and inka kola, and we were fasting so we couldnt have any, so i started to cry tears of sadness (not really...haha) but it did suck, cause everyone kept offering us food and we had to turn it down. 

But  ya that was my week, and i got a picture of us at the baptism with antonio (the guy who we baptized) and him and his wife are so nice, they always give us full out meals whenever we stop by. and i got one of our pensions son, who always eats meals with us. But ya that was my week, i hope you guys have a good week too! i love you guys so much!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Third Times a Charm...Yup..Robbed Again, Another Emergency Transfer, New Companion, and Baptisms Lined Up. He Sounds Great!

Im so glad to hear that about frank and noah and everything, and i dont have noahs email so could you give it to me?

And this has been another long week. it started off good, then on tuesday night we were finishing contacting, and we got robbed...again! this time he took my watch, and he tried to take my bag but i didn't let him. we went back to the room and called president, and we got another emergency transfer, but this time he split elder romrell and i up, so now i'm with elder goff in chiclayo central. i have to admit, it has been a huge blessing in my life. my new area is amazing, the people are wonderful, the area is so much nicer, and we have 3 baptisms! one on saturday, and 2 on october 17! i'm so excited! my new comp is so cool too, he´s from highland, utah so that helps a bit.

And my appartments a lot nicer too, we actually have hot water, and the space is tons bigger. and our penson is the best, her food is amazing, and her son who is like mid 40´s eats and talks to us, and he is flippin awesome. i will get you a picture of them next week, along with my comp. i do miss elder romrell but i can tell my new comp and i are going to get along just fine, we always play monopoly after we plan, and last night we stayed up telling dumb jokes, so its going to be a fun couple months with him. 

haha and one of our investigatores who is getting baptized always gives us food when we stop by, the first time was inka kola and soda crackers, and the second time was some amazing sandwiches. yesterday we gave a blessing to this old sick lady, and i had the privledge to do the annointing of the oil...that's right in spanish. it was such a amazing experience, and the spirit was sooo strong. 

we were teaching another less active about temples and family history work, and when i was talking about family history, i could feel that grandma was there too. and we watched a video about temples and it showed the st george temple, ah it was so hard to see that. 

and today for p day we went into town to this outside mall, and it was so packed, it reminded me of the cruises to mexico seeing all the shops around and people coming up to you trying to sell you stuff. we just bought some stuff we needed, and we went to this restraunt, oh...my....gosh, it was soo good! we got hamburgers....peruvian hamburgers, and they are soo much better than american hamburgers. they brought it out, and it had about 30 huge french fries, and the hamburger was huge too. it had two peruvian meat patties, a fried egg, and bacon...that's right bacon! oh my, and it had this spicy peruvian sauce that made it ten times better. then we got ice cream which was a bad idea cause we were already stuffed, and the ice cream was huge and amazing too. so now i think i have diabetes for life after that meal. and it was only 10 soles! 

so my new area is amazing, and i know i'm going to be safe in this area. so that was my week, i hope you guys have an amazing week too! here are some pictures of my new apartment and stuff like that. i love you guys so much!! 

Elder Moore

Monday, September 14, 2015

Robbed Again by Four Men in Hoodies

yes i got my packages! thank you so much! i loved them!! that's awesome that candy bomber guy came!

And this week has also been not the best. it started off great and we were doing tons of work. our investigators were doing great. oh and durring one of our lessons, this young girl (about 16) came up and kissed me on the cheek, and i didn't know what to do, so that was kinda awckward. Then our week kept going good, then friday it all went down hill...we were walking home from our last appointment, and there were these four men in hoodies walking down the street. they split off and one grabbed each of us and the other two searched everything. so yes we got robbed again! two times in one week! So we called president williams, and we had to get an emergency transfer so now we are in a different area. it's not that far from our old one, and it's just as dangerous but i know that the lord is with us. we spent all of saturday moving all of our stuff out of our old room and into our new one. our new room is pretty big, its bigger than the last one. we got a new pension, and she is flipping amazing. her food is da bomb! but we figured out that we are getting a new one TOMORROW(tuesday) so that kinda sucks. But now where eever we walk, i am so afraid that someone is going to try and rob us again, night time is especially the worst. i'm not going to lie, ive about had it, this whole week and still a little bit now, i just feel like curling up in a ball and doing nothing but i know there is work to be done, and that we were put in this new area for a reason. 

So back to your questions, yes i have ridden in a moto, and it's crazy, and they are usually 2.50 soles.  yesterday our pension gave us white bread...that's right white bread! and wait it gets better...it had jelly on it! oh my, it was so amazing!! and my favorite meal here is papa´s fritas.. which is fried chicken under a plate full of french fries. it...is...amazing! 

But after that it's been okay. not really anything too cool. and i'm sorry we are at a new internet, so i dont want to risk getting a virus and have it erase all my pictures so i'm going to wait till next week to send pictures.  i hope you guys have a great week, and i love you guys so much!!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Elder Moore...Robbed and Attacked by a Dog

Im not going to lie, this has been the hardest week so far on my mission! I was struggling with spanish all week, then on Thursday, we were walking to our next apointment, and we got robbed. it was probaly one of the most scariest things of my life, and i wanted to do something but you cant. We are alright though, he didnt hurt us, all he took was our phone. so that made my week worse. Then last night i got attacked by a dog, he didnt bite me though he just bit my shoe. I am so thankful for all the Lord does for us! I have been soo home sick this week! but my comp has helped me so im starting to get over it. 

But ya that was my week, so my area is Campodonico, and i dont know my street name. We are about 10 min by taxi from the mission home, and i have not gotten my packages yet. My comp is awesome, he is from Idaho Falls, Idaho. and when we type emails, we go to a little run down internet shack. and sometimes i do miss the ccm, but i would rather be out in the field. Today we went to tottus, which is pretty much like a wal mart, so for about 40 min, it felt like i was in america. We ate at a restraunt and we had fried chicken, and it came with french fries, then there was a place selling mcdonalds ice cream so i got a mcflurry, and i about cried, it was so amazing! i am seriously trying my hardest to get you pictures, but i love you guys so much!!!! I will talk to you guys next wed. love you guys!!!