in the afternoon, there was a dog that kept following us, i think we spent more time trying to run away from it, then actually work..ha. on thursday we visited a guy named m and in his prayer he said "glory to god" like 30 times and when he said "amen" he said "an applause for Christ" then he clapped...ha. that night we went to a appointment with the branch president, and he liked the way i teach, so he gave me a talk for sunday about the book of mormon. on Sat. we had our correlation meeting. and the church is on the 2nd floor of a old building..weird. then we talked to the branch presidents family, and they invited us to snow cones. that afternoon everyone rejected us
. there were also 2 girls who were hittin on me...weird... sunday, right before i gave my talk, they changed my not cool! and it was the first time here that i blessed the sacrament so that was cool. the branch is super small, it has like 25 so i think that has been my whole week. i love you guys!!
Elder Moore
the Internet is slow, so i only have time to send these 2 pics.