so about skype, i will be skyping sunday at 4 (thats peruvian time) so i have no clue what time that is there like 3 or 2
but i will be skyping at 4 peruvian time. and i will look for that shoulder bag for you.
so last pday we celebrated the bday of tereza and angeles (the branch presidents daughters) pic below.
Tue. to start off for 2 weeks we have been looking for a refrence from the pension, and we havent been able to find
his house. so tuesday we were walking and i felt like i should go knock a house that was on a corner. i went and
knocked it only to find his wife who has been waiting for im so thankful that i listened to that prompting! that
afternoon we taught 3 families we found (the lesson we were all together) and 2 of the moms whos names are Berta
and Maria accepted baptism for the 3rd of June! they are great! after president and his wife took us in their moto,
its like half a motorcycle with a truck bed attached to it...if you can picture that. so we were in the back with his wife,
and we had to go up and down big sand hills and it felt like we were on a rollercoaster...just without saftey. that night
i helped maritza and angeles with their english homework. then we passed by a couple named alex and luz who are
great. alex had his date and everything. we passed by only to find alex drunk
Wed. i did my class. then i did a exchange with a new elder named Elder Pineda from Florida. we went by Berta
and she told us the owner of her land got upset and was going to kick them off and they were going to loose
their homes. but we had a great lesson about the plan of salvation. and for these last couple days we have
been praying for them and their house. on Sat. we passed by to find out the owner changed his mind...prayer
works! so ya later that afternoon (still on wed.) we passed by alex and luz to talk to them. they invited us to
tuna and crackers and we talked for like 20 min. then alex said we is moving to work..:( so we have lost him,
we left him with a book of mormon so he could take it with him, hopefully he does whats right. that night angele
s (presidents daughter) and i had a paper sword fight which was way fun!
Thu. in the morning we went to Elder Pinedas area to finish the exchange and we spent a big chunk of time in
their room telling jokes...haha. that night all of presidents daughters and family wanted to do a paper sword fight.
so we all got togehter and we had a huge battle all of us which was also way fun!
Sat. we helped the pension move sand for a hour, then we had to go to lambayeque cause i had to give a baptism
Sun. we went by a investigator in the morning to get him for church. but his son came home drunk saturday night
and broke the glass on their door, then ran off, we passed by at 8:30am and his son still had not returned. so he
had to wait for his son to come home. just kinda sad. then we did a huge visit we got the president, his wife, a
member named alex and his sister Rossy. and we just went and visited 3 people.
Monday (yesterday) we helped the pension move sand again. and we went and chilled and talked to tereza and
angeles and ate watermelon for a little bit. then we did a family night with a recent convert named orlando. so
for the most part i think that has been my week. Love you guys! cant wait to see you guys sunday!
Elder Moore
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